We are grateful for the support of these businesses and individuals who have made financial contributions to the Northeast Orchestra. Contributors from January 1, 2022 to present:
Sustainer ($5000 and up)
Beth Reinhardt
Pepsico Foundation in honor of Beth Reinhardt
Angel ($1000-$4999)
Bank of America Employee Giving Foundation in honor of Travis Calvert
Barb Williams in memory of her husband Jeff
Louis Moreno
Travis Calvert
Linda Simmons
Dusty and Megan Sullenger
Ann Vinod
Jean Ward
Benefactor ($500-$999)
Rob and Judi Leeper
Mark and Terri Messing
Allan Nelson in memory of Rich Nelson
Wayne and Joann Schuricht
Julie Simmons
Ralph and Sue Wilson
Estate of Mark Roberson
Patron ($250-$499)
Dave and Judi Anenson
Barbara Kring Elick in honor of founder, Loretta Kring
Natlie Kaminsky
Amy Mylius in memory of Rich Nelson
Jerry and Pam Quinn in honor of founder, Loretta Kring
Gail and Jim Tidwell in honor of founder, Loretta Kring
Loree Williams
Contributor ($100-$249)
Erica and Anthony Adkins
John and Laura Bullion
Cheri Land
Jay and Vonna McMeans
John and Lois Pempsell
Rachel Sauer
Susan Seiter and David Greatwood
Julie Torres
Friend (up to $99)
Amazon Smile
Eleanor Bell in honor of Elizabeth Forbes
Clifford and Candace Campbell
Dennis and Rebecca Cotton
Elizabeth Forbes
Rita McCauley
Network for Good
NTX Giving Day Anonymous
TIAA Serves
Karen Ledford Dedicated to Sarah Ledford
The Northeast Orchestra is an all-volunteer ensemble, incorporated in 1995 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit Texas corporation. Our modest budget for music, equipment, communications and more comes from ticket sales and subscriptions, paid advertisements in our programs, our annual Silent Auction, and grants and contributions. Financial contributions to the Northeast Orchestra, Inc. are tax-deductible and are acknowledged in our printed concert program and on this web site. We invite you to consider a contribution at one of these levels:
For additional details, to make a financial contribution via mail, or to volunteer your support through your time or talent, download the NEO Subscription/ Contribution Form (PDF).
We are pleased to recognize the businesses and individuals who have provided financial support through paid advertisements in our concert program:
Reach a sophisticated audience while supporting the arts in northeast Tarrant County — advertise in the Northeast Orchestra's concert program, and be recognized among our Sponsors.
Ad sizes from business card to full page are available, and your advertisement will run in all five programs for the current concert season. For additional details and to advertise with download the NEO Advertising Order Form (PDF).
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Proud Member of the Hurst-Euless-Bedford Chamber of Commerce since 2017
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